The APFHRM comprises a group of representatives from human resources associations within the Asia Pacific region. Below are the APFHRM’s key representatives:
To find out more about APFHRM and its affiliated member associations, download this new brochure.
The Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management (APFHRM) is the network of human resources and people management associations' representative countries in the Asia Pacific region.
As a collective, the Federation's purpose is to advance the standing of the HR and people management profession within the region. It does this through its member representatives regularly meeting to exchange knowledge and research on best practice in HR.
From the member associations' geographical proximity to one another, the Federation's major focus is in matters relating specifically to HR in the Asia Pacific region, though it is also an active branch of the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA).
The countries that form the federation are Australia, Bangladesh, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines , Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,Thailand and Vietnam.
AHRC: African Human Resource Confederation
APFHRM : Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management
EAPM : European Association for People Management
FIDAGH : Interamerican Federation of People Management Associations
NAHRMA : North American Human Resource Management Association
The WFPMA is registered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is ruled by Swiss civil law.
To serve as the umbrella organisation of all human resource institutes within the Asia Pacific Region.
To improve the quality and effectiveness of professional human resource management in the region..
To encourage and support human resource managers in creating and developing their own associations in Asia Pacific countries where they do not yet exist.
To provide guidance and assistance to all member countries especially with regards to their programs that will uplift the human resource management profession.